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5 Best songs from modern best new metal bands

I do not like new metal bands too much as most are uninspired bland and informal. I mean that they all sound the same there is no heart. There is no inspiration in best new heavy metal band . The songs do not have time changes and they are very commercial .

There are a few exceptions in best new metal band such as Epica Within temptation Nightwish and Baby metal among others . Find out the five best new heavy metal band we selected

1 Best new metal band Within temptation

This is an excellent band a little on the commercial side for me . But i'd rather listen to a band who can compose and rite really good songs even it is sounds a little commercial. Than a top hard rock band really fast and furious yet who do not have real songs and when we dig deep down we find out that they cannot write real songs.

Within temptation is a really good band. They have many excellent songs such as ice queen and Supernova, Shot in the dark, Memories. The musicians are not incredible . In some songs they play plain chords and elemental stiff, yet the songs are excellent . And when we think about it the beatles were not good musicians what made them special is that they wrote incredible songs .

And they will be remembered for those songs . Best new heavy metal band Within temptation Excellent cute singer, excellent songs and powerful lyrics and themes . We rank Within temptation as one of the best new metal band .

2 Best new metal band Epica

Epica is one of the most genious best new metal band in the world . I did not listen extensively to Epica but what i have listened to was impressive . Incredible songs incredible vocals. Many of Epica songs are epic like the name intends. Many time changes and moods and slow parts and some very fast parts Epica contrary to many best new heavy metal band who all sound the same will make history .

Epica is one of the top hard rock band of the last decade. If Epica would have come out in the 80's they would have been regarded as one of the great metal band of history . Incredible songs such as cry for the moon, storm the sorrow, unleashed, sancta terra, and the essence of silence.

Epica has many more excellent songs and epics composition. They could be the epic classical band compared in classical to Bach and Mozart . Best new metal band Epica ranks top five

3 Best new metal band Nightwish

Nightwish is one of metalheads favourite these days . And they deserve that success. Nightwish has incredible vocals also like the two bands above Withing temptation and Epica . Nightwish is very much northern feel and vibe .

I have always been fascinated with north people . They are quiet and thinkers. They love to think and usually they are more intelligent and when they speak it means something .

Nightwish one of the best new heavy metal band It reflect in their music also when they play music , north people it means something. It is not something for no reason . Their music means something . I love north women they are very intense and passionate.

Their outward personality does not march their silence . Compared to sunny places women who seem very hot and warm yet are often colder than the north women . No wonder Saxon sang Northern lady and Within temptation Ice queen .

Nightwish top hard rock band have many incredible songs such as Sleeping sun, Wish i had an angel, She is my sin, While your lips are still red. Here also Nightwish incredible songs are many more and you should go listen to them . Nightwish best new metal band .

4 Best new metal band Babe metal

This is a very cool Babe metal is a good example of Japanese metal . The metal scene in japan is big. Many bands from America and england used to tour Japan as metal music is very popular there .

Best new metal band Babe metal is three girls singing and excellent musicians . I tried to cover one of their songs . The time changes in Babe metal are so fast and frequent that i gave up learning the song . I could have done it ,but it shows the musicians of Babe metal are excellent musicians .

Babe metal goes from very fast songs to mellow pretty balads . To straight rock and roll . Best new heavy metal band Babe metal Some of the best Babe metal songs are Karate, Gimme chocolate, Megitsune, and my favourite Jime dame zeltai . The vocals are good , i especially love the fact that Babe metal has good songs.

And here again we see that the songs is what makes a band. Even if in babe metal the gimmick is that three pretty young women sing metal . This ia great influence for many women to give up their rap and rnb and listen to top hard rock band such as Babe metal

5 Best new metal band Steel panther

Definitly one of my favourite best metal band in the last twenty years Steel panther . Th first time i listened to Steel panther i knew We got something very special here that fits very well my politically no correct mind and personality .

Steel panther ricks the world and i hope that Steel panther one day will take over mtv and tadio and that rap and rnb will stop . Steel panther is first of all incredible songs written in stone . Not a fly by night hit. Even if Steel panther have written bubble gum songs which i did not like such as The burden of being wonderful . From every Steel panther we have incredible kick ass songs.

In fact Steel panther has some of the best metal songs written in the past twenty years. Only steel panther has the real metal spirit that got lost . Top hard rock band some of Steel panther best songs are Always gonna be a ho, going through the backdoor, death to all but metal, gloryhole.

I love Steel panther balads less known such as Girl from Oklahoma and Momentary epithany Steel panther makes is in the best new heavy metal band of the last twenty years. Incredible line up these five best metal band rock Listen to them and fill your mind with true music . If you liked this post why not listen watch and suscribe to Song of love metal music and listen to them on spotify and online stores

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